- Give yourself the freedom to reinvent yourself. At the end of last semester, we spent time reflecting and resolving. Look back on those resolutions and take the time to commit to new ideas and/or recommit to old goals and ideas.
- Give students the opportunity to reinvent themselves. With a new semester, give students a fresh start. Reteach routines and procedures, build a culture of team in the classroom, believe in the potential of all students, and support their growth.
As educators, we have the unique opportunity to serve all kids. For some kids, we are the only believers and supporters in their life. Remember that you are a game changer in the lives of all students.
Keeping with our theme of team and culture, we will continue to dive deeper into building team within the classroom and school community this semester. In fact, our staff meeting this week will focus on building team in the classroom and multi-tiered support. As I prepared for this work, I spent time over break reflecting on team and our work serving students. I was reminded of the power of our Wellness Team at Harvest. When listening to Michelle Obama honor educators in her final speech as the First Lady, specifically counselors for their work helping students go to college, I was reminded that in middle school we don’t often see the fruit of our labor, but the social and emotional support along with the focus on academics at Harvest is making a difference in the lives of our students in high school and beyond. In supporting all students at Harvest, I reaffirm Mrs. Obama’s statement that “our school counselors are truly among the heroes.” As we ramp up our tiered supports, I want to publically thank our Wellness Team for the supports they provide students and staff at Harvest Middle School. It is heart work and we are a better team, school, and community because of the love (tough love at times) they pour into our students and families. Thank you!