Highly effective teams take time to build relationships. It is incredibly powerful for our students to know that we are a team supporting and believing in their future, yet it is also important for our own health and success.
Relationship building isn’t a one time event. In fact, with kids it takes early, OFTEN, & ONGOING attention to building relationships. Thank you for revisiting our values and looking at how we handle challenging situations with our values in mind.
On Friday, we dedicated our professional learning time to a student. Take a moment this week to think about the student to whom you dedicated Friday to and how can you make a difference in his/her life with your new learning. Teachers are powerful!
“The quality and nature of the relationships you have with your students has a larger effect on their results than socio-economic status, professional development or Reading Recovery programs. It is not that these things don’t matter, but rather that your relationships with students matter more.” ~ Hattie, Visible Learning