Monday, August 22, 2016

Team Harvest

IMG_7549.JPGAs the Olympic Games come to a close today, I have a sense of disappointment in knowing that we will have to wait two more years for the Winter Games to see the passion and determination in the eyes of Olympic athletes, but I know Team Harvest will continue to light the flame in the hearts and minds of our students.  This week Team Harvest did just that by welcoming our new 6th and 7th grade students on Tuesday with high fives, IB activities, cheers, and more.  Check out the video of our newest #ibhawks with our very own Liz McRae as Harvey!  Team Harvest took a risk in putting together an orientation and in doing so demonstrated that we care about our students. Our staff is holding a poster full of goals set by our newest hawks.  In this photo, I am inspired and convicted of the power and responsibility we have to cultivate the passion and determination of our students so that they are high school ready and college bound.  As I reflect on the words shared during our community circle with Eric Butler last week, I am encouraged that we value “when the light goes on” for a student because I know in those moments your why is fulfilled and our students are on their way to becoming confident learners.
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